rudys been spending where he shouldn't have been spending
Friday, November 30, 2007
John McCain Meets the Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth
On 11/18/07, Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth member Kathy Walker was able to confront Senator John McCain about his forward in the Popular Mechanics book, Debunking 9/11 Myths. Student Scholars founders Justin Martell and Michael Jackman were also able to follow up with the Senator. WWW.SST911.ORG
Countdown, john mccain and bill oreilly
countdown names mccain 2nd worst for cheap shot at ron paul on debate
Thursday, November 29, 2007
McCain attacks Ron Paul on CNN debate
this was a question about taxes, mccain is an ass, vote ron paul
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
the debate was a joke, rudy thompson and mitt had the floor all night, but ron paul still stood tall
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Glenn Beck / Ron Paul / Supporters React: Indianapolis
Glenn Beck meets the Indy meetup at Barnes and Noble.
One woman from the Ron Paul meetup gave Glenn a copy of 1984, as a gift, and told him it was a warning, not policy.
Two other women gave Glenn some one foot cookies. One read, "Ron Paul 4 President"; the other read,"We (heart) US Constitution".
It was a geat day.
glen beck says ,ron paul supporters are terrorists
glen beck is a fuckin idiot, according to this neocon nazi, ron paul supporters are terrorists
Ron Paul : House of Cards
"For those who thought a Democratic congress would end the war in Iraq, think again: their new budget proposes supplemental funds totaling about $150 billion in 2008 and $50 billion in 2009 for Iraq. This is in addition to the ordinary Department of Defense budget of more than $500 billion, which the Democrats propose increasing each year just like the Republicans."
- Congressman Ron Paul M.D.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
ron paul defeats them all, watch entire video
snippets from several videos compiled to show that ron paul is different from the rest both republican and democrat
America's Forgotten Crime Victims
The video was based around Amy Kortlang and her family who live here in San Diego.
25 American citizens die each day at the hands of illegal aliens.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Ron Paul Talks to Neal Cavuto pt 1
Ron Paul talks with Neal Cavuto about his campaign, GQ magazine, and going to war.
Ron Paul on Bloomberg TV, Political Capital, 11/23/2007
Ron Paul on Bloomberg Television, Political Capital with Al Hunt 11/23/2007
Text article:
Bloomberg Political Capital with Al Hunt:
American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007
Email your Congressman in support of the American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007, Republican or Democrat, it doesn't matter:
"I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us that the less we use our power the greater it will be"
Thomas Jefferson
------Ron Paul Links-------
Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign:
Ron Paul YouTube Channel:
Ron Paul United States Congress Website:
Political Positions of Ron paul:
Ron Paul Library:
Daily Paul:
Congressman Ron Paul Archives
Ron Paul campaign literature files are freely available at meetup sites
like the Houston group:
Speech: A Republic if You Can Keep it, January 31, 2000
Primaries, Open and Closed (this is important):
Open and Closed (if closed, you need to register as a Republican to vote in the Primary, as distasteful as it may
be, or Ron Paul may not win the Primary and will not be on the Presidential ballot). The largest obstacle is the
Republican Primary:
Friday, November 23, 2007
dr paul on face the nation
please rate and comment and pass this on to everyone you know, some of my vids seem to be being suppressed, many people have messaged me saying they commented or posted video responses that never showed, help me out here if you can, thank you
evil doers and their evil deeds
please rate and comment and pass this on to everyone you know, some of my vids seem to be being suppressed, many people have messaged me saying they commented or posted video responses that never showed, help me out here if you can, thank you
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Ron Paul For President TV Ad (Remix: Linkin Park )
Remix of Ron Paul For President TV Ad by frankdogg.
Linkin Park "What I've Done"
American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007
Email your Congressman in support of the American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007, Republican or Democrat, it doesn't matter:
"I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us that the less
we use our power the greater it will be"
Thomas Jefferson
------Ron Paul Links-------
Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign:
Ron Paul YouTube Channel:
Ron Paul United States Congress Website:
Political Positions of Ron paul:
Ron Paul Library:
Daily Paul:
Congressman Ron Paul Archives
Ron Paul campaign literature files are freely available at meetup sites
like the Houston group:
Speech: A Republic if You Can Keep it, January 31, 2000
Primaries, Open and Closed (this is important):
Open and Closed (if closed, you need to register as a Republican to vote in the Primary, as distasteful as it may be, or Ron Paul may not win the Primary and will not be on the Presidential ballot). The largest obstacle is the Republican Primary:
open your mind and it will open your eyes
Please visit for information and the full source list for this work.
9/11 Coincidences (Part Nineteen)
Anyone who has become involved in the 9/11 Truth or Patriot Movements has more than likely heard the phrase "false-flag" when terrorism has been discussed. If it was left up to those traitorous elected officials, the public would have never heard of this term, nor would they have heard the term "domestic terrorism" as well. This is true, because an uneducated public is much easier to fool than a public that is informed and comprised of an activist citizenry.
For those unfamiliar with the term "false-flag" when related to terrorism, it is defined in the following manner:
False-Flag Terrorism -- Terrorist acts that appear to have been carried out by a certain group or nation, who are quickly named as the responsible party or parties, when in fact, the terrorist event was carried out by another group entirely. A perfect example of false-flag terrorism could be found within the 9/11 false-flag event. It was blamed on Osama Bin Laden and nineteen Arab hijackers, when there is plenty of evidence pointing to 9/11 as an inside job.
All False-Flag Terror Attacks have some of or all of the following characteristics:
(1) The terror incident can be stated in terms of the Hegelian Dialectic, which is now more commonly known as Problem-Reaction-Solution.
(2) The Globalist Agenda has in some way progressed by the false-flag event.
(3) The event is but the latest in a long, prior history of domestic terror attacks.
(4) Suspects are named almost IMMEDIATELY after event, but NEVER enough in advance, as to actually prevent the attack from happening.
(5) News media endlessly replays video of the precise moment of the disaster. This is shown ad nauseum for the purpose of traumatizing the public. (psy-op).
(6) Shortly after the attack, freedom-destroying laws are rushed through Congress, typically in the middle of the night, or on a weekend, or any other day or time of day they feel will not draw too much attention, until the law is passed, when it is simply too late to do anything to stop it.
(7) Aspects of the attack draw upon tried and true methods of past attacks. Whether this is part of the attack itself, the propaganda surrounding it, or the desensitizing and preparation of the audience, the current attack will seem familiar, as it mimics aspects of past attacks.
(8) Simultaneous 'terror drills' or 'public safety drills' take place at the precise time of the false-flag event.
(9) Eye-witness reports vary greatly from the establishment version of events of what really took place during the attack. Witnesses who conflict with or contradict the official-fiction of the attack are badgered into silence by law enforcement and FBI special agents.
(10)Surveillance cameras in the immediate area of the attack are turned off, become mysteriously broken, or are simply turned away from the action.
(11) As soon as it is possible after the attack, the site is LOCKED-DOWN. No outside investigators are allowed anywhere near the site, and those who try, are almost always arrested. Truthful investigation is NOT allowed, and all physical evidence is DESTROYED ASAP.
(12) The sudden appearance of BOGUS EVIDENCE occurs, which is done to prop up the official-fiction of an event, in an attempt to bolster the event's believability.
(13) A bogus investigation is conducted by a government panel riddled with conflicts of interest, such as happened with BOTH the Warren Commission and the 9/11 Commission. Only evidence that supports the government's own official-fiction of the event is considered, while everything that proves the contrary is IGNORED.
(14) The head terrorist is trotted out at opportune moments, such as when Bush Jr's approval ratings fall or when there is an election approaching.
(15) Further terrorists are recruited through the intelligence agencies, such as the CIA, MI5, and MI6, which then carry out further attacks. And the cycle endlessly repeats ...
For more on this subject, please visit the following site:
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
they started it, he will end it
the war in iraq started with lies and the only way it will end is with compassion
they lied about this, what else have they
lied about, ron paul voted against the war and tried to stop it, who should we trust, check pauls record and judge for yourself
Ron Paul : New Hampshire PBS 11-19-2007
New Hampshire PBS 11-19-2007
Presidential Primary Coverage: Profile of Republican Rep. Ron Paul
Airs Sunday, November 18 @ 9 a.m. and Tuesday, November 20 @ 7:30 p.m.
The physician and Republican Congressman from Texas may not be leading in the presidential primary polls, but he has set a record for internet fundraising. He has developed a vocal and loyal following of voters who call themselves Paulites. Outlook's Richard Ager shows us why so many people are listening to what Paul has to say.
American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007
Email your Congressman in support of the American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007, Republican or Democrat, it doesn't matter:
"I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us that the less we use our power the greater it will be"
Thomas Jefferson
------Ron Paul Links-------
Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign:
Ron Paul YouTube Channel:
Ron Paul United States Congress Website:
Political Positions of Ron paul:
Ron Paul Library:
Daily Paul:
Congressman Ron Paul Archives
Ron Paul campaign literature files are freely available at meetup sites
like the Houston group:
Speech: A Republic if You Can Keep it, January 31, 2000
Primaries, Open and Closed (this is important):
Open and Closed (if closed, you need to register as a Republican to vote in the Primary, as distasteful as it may
be, or Ron Paul may not win the Primary and will not be on the Presidential ballot). The largest obstacle is the
Republican Primary:
illegal war is absolutely wrong
their sources were a joke, the reasons were bullshit, ron paul voted against the war and tried to stop it, who should we trust, check pauls record and judge for yourself
Monday, November 19, 2007
No End in Sight
The first film of its kind to chronicle the reasons behind Iraq's descent into guerilla war, warlord rule, criminality and anarchy, NO END IN SIGHT is a jaw-dropping, insider's tale of wholesale incompetence, recklessness and venality. Based on over 200 hours of footage, the film provides a candid retelling of the events following the fall of Baghdad in 2003 by high ranking officials such as former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, Ambassador Barbara Bodine (in charge of Baghdad during the Spring of 2003), Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell, and General Jay Garner (in charge of the occupation of Iraq through May 2003) as well as Iraqi civilians, American soldiers, and prominent analysts. NO END IN SIGHT examines the manner in which the principal errors of U.S. policy -- the use of insufficient troop levels, allowing the looting of Baghdad, the purging of professionals from the Iraqi government, and the disbanding of the Iraqi military -- largely created the insurgency and chaos that engulf Iraq today. How did a group of men with little or no military experience, knowledge of the Arab world or personal experience in Iraq come to make such flagrantly debilitating decisions? NO END IN SIGHT dissects the people, issues and facts behind the Bush Administration's decisions and their consequences on the ground to provide a powerful look into how arrogance and ignorance turned a military victory into a seemingly endless and deepening nightmare of a war
the ground truth, the true cost of war
THE GROUND TRUTH stunned filmgoers at the 2006 Sundance and Nantucket Film Festivals.
Hailed as "powerful" and "quietly unflinching," Patricia Foulkrod's searing documentary feature includes exclusive footage that will stir audiences. The filmmaker's subjects are patriotic young Americans - ordinary men and women who heeded the call for military service in Iraq - as they experience recruitment and training, combat, homecoming, and the struggle to reintegrate with families and communities. The terrible conflict in Iraq, depicted with ferocious honesty in the film, is a prelude for the even more challenging battles fought by the soldiers returning home -- with personal demons, an uncomprehending public, and an indifferent government. As these battles take shape, each soldier becomes a new kind of hero, bearing witness and giving support to other veterans, and learning to fearlessly wield the most powerful weapon of all - the truth.
A Government Is Like Fire...
He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
Congressman Paul introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation each year, probably more than any single member of Congress.
Fred Thompson proving he is UNFIT for PRESIDENT
As a long term former lobbyist, this man is definately unfit for this nation. As a fake conservative in the senate, He voted YES:
1. in support of the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act- the law
to silence grassroots conservative groups.
2. to expand NAFTA. Modeled after the European Common Market, NAFTA was a first step toward open borders in North America and the North American Union.
Thompson's "Pro-Life" position in his own words: "Abortions should be legal in all circumstances as long as the procedure is completed within the first trimester of the pregnancy."
THERE IS NO LONGER A NEED TO PICK THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS, NO LONGER A NEED TO HOLD YOUR NOSE BEFORE VOTING! Check out a real patriot, Ron Paul who wants to bring American back to glory
the lies that started an illegal war
they lied about this, what else have they
lied about, ron paul voted against the war and tried to stop it, who should we trust, check pauls record and judge for yourself
Katie Couric Repeats Bush Talking Points
In Sept. 2007, Katie Couric reported live from Baghdad. But instead of using that opportunity to ask tough questions and dig for the truth, Couric asked softball questions and repeated false Bush talking points. The media's failure to ask tough questions helped us get into Iraq in the first place.
Email Katie Couric and tell her we need the media to engage in strong watchdog journalism.
war made easy
this clip is taken from war made easy, how presidents and pundants keep spinning us to death, watch it if you can find it,
sorry about the quality
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Candidates@Google: Ron Paul
2008 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul in discusion with Google executive Elliot Schrage as part of the company's Candidates@Google series.
The video employs clips from a 2004 "60 Minutes" Interview with 2001-2003 Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O'Neil. O'Neil,a Permanent Member of the then formed NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL (NSC), was eventually FIRED in 2003, for what he OPPOSED and witnessed in the Early days of the JUST elected 2001 Bush Whitehouse.
He was appalled at the Secrecy and Contradictions in the George Bush he thought he knew. It was apparent a new agenda was rolling...and he wanted NO part in it. War plans were in the works, long BEFORE the 911 World Trade Center attack. Far from a tragedy, 911 was an OPPORTUNITY for the Bush/Cheney White House to proceed with Plans.
In his Presidential run at the office, Ron Paul continues to bravely disclose and reference this same "hidden agenda" that has been cloaked as "Foreign Policy" and "Patriotism", only to be ridiculed by the Main Stream Media, radio talk show Hosts, Bloggers, whether Democrat or Republican, and OTHERS (Guiliani!), who feign SHOCK at the mere suggestion, that our POLICIES are why "They Hate Us". Incumbent Politicians and the other contending Presidential Candidates just grow silent when Ron Paul Speaks. Why?
It's time to Stop Being a good Democrat. Stop Being a good Republican. And Start Being a good American.
Do Your Own Homework
NOBODY explains Ron Paul
BETTER than Ron Paul himself!
Here is an interactive audio archive of
Ron Paul speeches and interviews as a resource in chronological
The YouTube Interview: Ron Paul
Watch Texas Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul answer YOUR questions submitted via YouTube.
Paul talks about individual liberties, plays a game of "small government, short answers", and talks about the impact of the Internet on his campaign.
To learn more about Congressman Paul and his campaign, go to:
Ron Paul on Federal Reserve, banking and economy
Excepts of Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) from the documentary "FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution." Dr. Paul discusses the origins, operations and results of the Federal Reserve System and fiat currency on the U.S. and global economy.
The entire film, Fiat Empire, can be accessed at or directly at Google Video at
The New World Order is Here!
If you're not worried about The New World Order, you will be. Everything that's needed for the rich and powerful to run every aspect of your life is in place. Within a few years there will be a cashless one world government, run by the richest people in the world. You will be "chipped" and tracked by the government, and if you protest, speak out, or otherwise displease Big Brother, your chip will be turned off, preventing you from buying or selling anything. The plan has started and in 2008, the "North American Union" will effectively eliminate the borders between the US, Canada, and Mexico. Also in 2008, you will be required to have a national I.D., soon after to become an implanted chip.
These scenes are taken from a video available at I suggest you go there and watch the whole thing. It's about 2 hours long.
Educating Rudy
Video taken from Representative Ron Paul's speech at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum in Feb. 2007.
Ron Paul: A New Hope
Congressman Ron Paul is the leading advocate for freedom in our nation's capital. As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dr. Paul tirelessly works for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. He is known among his congressional colleagues and his constituents for his consistent voting record. Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution. In the words of former Treasury Secretary William Simon, Dr. Paul is the "one exception to the Gang of 535" on Capitol Hill. He makes it clear that his principles will never be compromised, and they never are."
bad side of Ron Paul
This was a funny video. Makes me think how people try to discredit this man when he has philosophical, rational answers, not empty promises and he definitely doesn't play it safe, he says the truth.
fred thompson lies about exposing nixon
fred still claims credit for this after being their puppet back then
Friday, November 16, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
nuclear war? thats what we're looking at.
ron paul is the only presidential candidate
running that opposes invading iran.
hillary, obama, rudy, thompson, have said
that iran is our next objective, get ready or
Saturday, November 10, 2007
zeitgeist the movie
i promise you if you'll open your mind this film will open
your eyes, just copy and paste the following url
you can download it or watch it streaming
Saturday, November 3, 2007
whos to blame ?
a chilling look into the questions still surrounding 9/11
did the bush administration know it was going to happen
or worse?