Sunday, November 18, 2007


The video employs clips from a 2004 "60 Minutes" Interview with 2001-2003 Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O'Neil. O'Neil,a Permanent Member of the then formed NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL (NSC), was eventually FIRED in 2003, for what he OPPOSED and witnessed in the Early days of the JUST elected 2001 Bush Whitehouse.

He was appalled at the Secrecy and Contradictions in the George Bush he thought he knew. It was apparent a new agenda was rolling...and he wanted NO part in it. War plans were in the works, long BEFORE the 911 World Trade Center attack. Far from a tragedy, 911 was an OPPORTUNITY for the Bush/Cheney White House to proceed with Plans.

In his Presidential run at the office, Ron Paul continues to bravely disclose and reference this same "hidden agenda" that has been cloaked as "Foreign Policy" and "Patriotism", only to be ridiculed by the Main Stream Media, radio talk show Hosts, Bloggers, whether Democrat or Republican, and OTHERS (Guiliani!), who feign SHOCK at the mere suggestion, that our POLICIES are why "They Hate Us". Incumbent Politicians and the other contending Presidential Candidates just grow silent when Ron Paul Speaks. Why?

It's time to Stop Being a good Democrat. Stop Being a good Republican. And Start Being a good American.

Do Your Own Homework

NOBODY explains Ron Paul
BETTER than Ron Paul himself!

Here is an interactive audio archive of
Ron Paul speeches and interviews as a resource in chronological


  1. Banks create money out of thin air with plastic then charge interest on this fake money! They hate real money it would ruin the Cartel of fake money!

  2. its a shame everyone doesnt know this
